What sex actually means to a guy

Guys see the act of sex differently from the way women do.
1. Power: Sex to a guy is a game of dominance. He enjoys it more, when the woman is active herself. That is why guys fantasise about women who are good in bed.
2. Validation: He wants to validate his ego, and pump his “machoness.”
3. Tension easer: Sex eases tension very well for a guy. So he wants to have it at all cost.
4. Sex is not love: Women think when a guy has sex with you; it means he is in love. No matter what he says in the sheets, he is just carried away. If sex is an expression of love, why do guys still leave after having sex with a lady?
5. Just another Project: Guys think in terms of pursuits and accomplishments. It is just another achievement in his to do list.
A guy falls in love after having sex and not before. If the sheets ain’t warm enough, he leaves........

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